How to make a garland if you only have a couple of petals of felt? How to make it easier for our imagination to make a multi-sensory journey to Africa? Today, at the Riflemen’s Park these questions were answered by Daniel Lachor and Anna Machacz.
The young participants in the workshops taking place as part of the FESTIVAL OF THE CHILDREN OF MOUNTAINS grabbed pens, scissors, brushes, paints, seasonings, glue and... all that proved necessary to make beautiful, varicoloured   garlands and plastic arts works in the African style. You are welcome to attend the next workshops already tomorrow.
The screen in front of the amphitheatre in the Riflemen’s Park. It was for the first time that we could participate in the performances by the Children of all the Mountains in the World in such a form.

The children from the Indian DYNAMICE CHILDREN ACADEMY ensemble, whose plans to fully present their skills were thwarted by COVID-19, showed one, short girls’ dance. DOLINA SŁOMKI laid out for us a whole panoply of play, games, dances and ditties in a Sącz clearing. To conclude, EŁK presented Masurian-style dances on a Masurian lake.