Edition 2024
How far can you get in 20 years? Especially when you set off on this journey on the non-accidental fourteenth day of February. For many, a day of love.
And it all started with an ordinary school performance, to which Ms Bożena Gierczyk invited a group of her pupils. It was then that they heard they were an “ensemble,” and after all words carry their power...

So how far can you get in 20 years?

You can create a Folk Ensemble which, taking by storm the stages of the commune, of the county, of the region, and of the country, eventually reaches the remarkable number of four dozen participants in the rhythm, children’s and youth sections. With this ensemble you can take prominent, even first places at such events as: “Limanowska Słaza,” “Druzbacka” and "Shepherd’s Carolling.” You can take part in the FESTIVAL OF THE CHILDREN OF MOUNTAINS twice (2010, 2015). You can conquer Slovakia, Germany, Lithuania... You can achieve a lot.

And, most importantly, you can bring the beloved highland folklore of the Kamienica subregion to all these places. You can present the costumes, singing, dancing and playing. And you can get there by setting out from your little home village.

Zasadne is a village situated on the borderline between the Gorce mountains and the Island Beskids, at the foot of the Gorc. And in Zasadne, there is a place called “Za Pasternikom.” And the place is said to have once been haunted. Fortunately, someone has placed a statue of the Virgin Mary here. And so Zasadne is not haunted any more... In principle... But let us not get ahead of the story. For it is there, “Za Pasternikom,” that the little White Highlanders will invite us to show us games, dances and singing. As well as their natural childishness.