Edition 2024
In 1992, when Antoni Malczak set in motion the great adventure known as the FESTIVAL OF THE CHILDREN OF MOUNTAINS, it was obvious to him that the event would not be a competition but a festival. Here, everyone performs on an equal footing. The Artistic Committee, when commenting on the concerts, refers only to the ensemble in question, and does not compare it to others. There are no awards, and the commemorative hearts are inscribed only with the ensemble’s highlights that discerning observers found most delightful.
Therefore, our Festival is the perfect venue for the MISINA Folk Dance Ensemble from the Hungarian city of Pécs. Founded 20 years ago, from the very beginning the ensemble has not been focused on competition, rivalry, or fighting for prizes... They have simply wanted to present Hungarian folklore in its most authentic dimension, which is why with their presence, often very active, they support festivals, projects and shows that are not competitive in nature.

They reach back to their cradle. And it goes like this: one of the peaks in the Mecsek mountain range, which stretches across southern Hungary, is called Misina (hence the ensemble’s name), and the beautiful city of Pécs nestles against the slopes of this mountain. It all takes place in the Baranya County, and MISINA above all proudly represents the Hungarian ethnographic group from this county. However, they do not stop there. And so thanks to them, at this year’s edition of the FESTIVAL we will see folk dances and games from a variety of Hungarian regions (rábaköz - western Hungary, szatmár - eastern Hungary, Transylvania, Slavonia, somogy - southern Hungary).

Attila Gálber is the ensemble leader.