Edition 2024
The Sącz Valley is the little motherland of NISKOWIOKI. The neighbours living around include: the Krakowiaks, the Foothill Dwellers, the Sącz Highlanders, the Limanowa Lachs, and in the very centre: Nowy Sącz. And if we called the central town in the region the “heart,” then the commune of Chełmiec would be the “pericardium.” Let us take a look at how its borders run! And within this pericardium, south of the aorta-road to the town of Limanowa lies: Niskowa, the home village of NISKOWIOKI!
There is a Voluntary Fire Brigade in Niskowa, and its chief has a heart too. This fact might seem obvious, but it is particularly important for NISKOWIOKKI and MAŁE NISKOWIOKKI, because it was in 2005, in Jan Smoleń’s heart that a desire to create a folk ensemble in Niskowa, under the auspices of the Voluntary Fire Brigade arose. In 2016 a Folk Music School was added.

Today, more than a hundred adult and children’s hearts are beating in this ensemble. They present their regional treasures at numerous festivals (it is their third time at the FESTIVAL OF THE CHILDREN OF MOUNTAINS) and competitions. And if the ensemble is as good as their outstanding achievements last year, then we should mention that in 2023 they won the first award in the children's category at “O Kujawski Wianek” All-Poland Festival in Wrocław.

During their programme at this year’s edition of the FESTIVAL, another heart will be significant - a mother’s heart which, on the one hand, can understand children’s boredom with the preparations for a May Devotion, and so allows them to play some games (e.g. siskin, cat and mouse), dance (e.g. tramel polka, kowol), sing (poleczka with ditties, “z konewecką po wodo"), but, on the other hand, brings order when it is time.